THW Legally Recognise Sex Changes

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 7:44 PM
[Motion for debate]
While most of the people in this world do appreciate for who their are, there are some who did not. They wanted to be someone they not. There this girl who wanted to be a guy (They tend to become tomboy but not all of them really do going to change their sex) and a guy who 'desperately' enough to turn themselves into a girl (woman). I supposed we could see this anywhere at the street as we go for shopping, practically in malls (or pubs?)...

I'm not being discriminated here, I just want to point out some of the view that I most likely to agree with - to legally recognise sex changes. Do we really have to legally recognise sex changes?
First thing first, why do they have to change their sex anyway.


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