Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog. I hope to interest you enough to browse through and follow whatever content that I published here. This is where I am going to share my perceptions on Lifes, People, Nature etc through my lense. Watch this space to see what happens along the way. Please feel free to leave a comment at any time.

Anatomy of Sex~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 1:31 AM 7 comments
Anatomy of Sex
Advisory: This clip contains sexual education themes. A woman wants one man to satisfy her every need and a man wants every woman to satisfy his one need. Biological truth?

Anatomy of Sex - Part 2
Advisory: This clip contains sexual education themes. Take a peek as a couple volunteers for an MRI of an orgasm.

I wondering what are the thoughts as I post this link here? Coz seriously, would you take on sex issues seriously or we just not supposed to talk about it in anyway it is that the sex education is unnecessary. If anyone ever told you s/he don't need sex, s/he's lying. Seriously, adulteries was way too hard to handle especially when you are married.

Guess Who?

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 8:53 PM 11 comments
How does it feel?
... how does it feel to experience painful heart broken?
Someone said it, its like the Guess who?...
Someone comes from behind and suddenly cover your eyes...
S/he doesn't even say "guess who"...
And then suddenly takes the hands away.
But, there's no one there.
There's only you with a little less of yourself just standing there.

It's not like there's something to it and it's not that big of a deal, I guess.

Celebration Day of Fasting~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 12:44 PM 7 comments
This is what I expect it to be - Hari Raya Puasa in Malay or Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
I don't know what raya meant to me. I never celebrate it with my family, but I know one fact that the takbir will recited at the 'Raya eve' that's when you know when will the Hari Raya be. It not necessarily be heard from masjid or surau but you can hear it through the radio or via TV.
Malaysia will be celebrated their 1st Syawal on wednesday, October 01 2008, and today (Thursday) is 1st Syawal for Brunei. As the tradition, all malay would be going back to their hometown or rather be balik kampung.


I've been to my friends house for raya, they serve me ketupat. Seriously I don't know how I should be eating it. No thanks to my inexperience of eating malay food. I supposed it's a common sense for eating such food. Hahaha. Then I give it a try, to be honest the ketupat taste like~ yuck!! It's almost tasteless. And to my pleasant surprise, it is to be eaten together with rendang, curry, tempe or anyting that is well-matched to the taste.


~Chicken Curry~

So, I would love to have this opportunity to greet 'Salam Lebaran' to all my fellow muslim. I therefore seek forgiveness for all wronging (wrongdoing) spiritually as well as phisycally. Maaf zahir dan batin. My raya day was all happening with firecrackers, albeit restrictions on it by the authorities. So far it was all good, one blessed day. Alhamdullilah~

p/s I didn't snapped a photo, it will be weird and so awkward for me to snapped others food. LoL.