Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog. I hope to interest you enough to browse through and follow whatever content that I published here. This is where I am going to share my perceptions on Lifes, People, Nature etc through my lense. Watch this space to see what happens along the way. Please feel free to leave a comment at any time.

Chicken with Green Olives~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 11:40 PM 6 comments
Picture: North African Dish Chicken with Green Olives
Description By Rebekah Bears
Enjoy a taste of Mediterranean-inspired cuisine with this savory chicken dish.

4 chicken breasts
1 jar green olives (In MO - 1 1/2 cups of olives, drained and pitted)
1 can crushed tomatoes
1 medium bell pepper (I prefer it to be stripped)
1 medium white onion (I prefer it to be chopped)
2 TBSP crushed garlic
2 TBSP olive oil
1 cup milk or half and half
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat large sauce pan over medium heat with olive oil. Brown chicken breasts in olive oil for about five minutes. Add bell pepper, onion and garlic. After bell pepper and onion are soft, add tomatoes, green olives and milk or half and half.

p/s A tip: There are two other omissions–the original also calls for a garnish of chopped cilantro, plus lemon juice to taste. Both of those ingredients add a lot to this recipe, which is easy and quite delicious. (No amounts are specified for the lemon juice and cilantro).

Milano | Blogger Template

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 3:12 AM 2 comments

This is an elegant theme designed with attractive color combination for blogers who look to make money online via ads. This theme is suitable for any niche. The theme layout is stylish and dynamic contents modules like, image slider, tabbed content area are built into it.
List of Features:
1. Premium theme layout.
2. Multi-level dropdown javascript navigation menu.
3. Featured sliding posts.
4. Site wide customizable 125 x 125 custom banner ads.
5. Adsense enabled
6. Tabbed content area * Featured Video * Recent posts * Popular Posts
7. Two widgetized sidebars
8. Customizable welcome message.
9. Page navigation enabled.
10. WP 2.7 ready, threaded comments
11. Theme support
12. Custom theme option page in the admin panel.

I never tryout custom template before, and this is my first attempt on using a custom template. Well, after working on it for few hours. This is how my blog look like. A whole new face. Try to look at the feature sliding post. I used 520 x 240 image for the slide and the drop down menu just cool~ Hohoho~ Thanks to Jinsona Design for this cool template~

What’s in a word?

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 5:36 PM 2 comments

Monday June 22, 2009

By S.S. YOGA (the Star Online)

A look at the colourful history of racial slurs in our multi-ethnic society.

THE High Court’s recent dismissal of an Indian Muslim association’s appeal to remove the word keling from the Kamus Dewan has stirred up strong sentiments over the issue.

The Selangor and Federal Territory Angkatan Pelapor India Muslim (Apim) chairman Ramli Abdullah holding up the fourth edition of the Kamus Dewan which no longer states that the word ‘keling’ was an impolite word to describe those from south India. Apim will continue their bid to have the word ‘keling’ removed from the dictionary.

Ramli Abdullah, chairman of the Selangor and Federal Territory Angkatan Pelapor India Muslim, reiterated the importance of removing the “derogatory, humilating and insulting” word from the Malay dictionary.

So how did such a “bad” word find its way into the local lingo?

When asked the origin of the word keling, some people surprisingly came up with this common belief: “The cowherds back then were Indians and you could hear the cattle approaching because of the bell on the cows’ necks making the ‘clink, clink’ sound. And that’s how the word came to be synonymous with Indians.”

There’s also another undocumented version of how Indian girls, especially dancers, wore anklets which produced the clinking sound and this eventually became identified with that particular community.

Academic and historical references to the origins of keling point to the Kalinga kingdom in India. Malay historical annals in the 15th century made references to the people of Kalinga which exerted cultural and economic influence over South-East Asia. The term keling later evolved to include anyone originating from the South of India.

It is very likely then that keling is the localised term for people from Kalinga. An innocent enough genesis and nothing anyone of Indian origin ought to be upset over, one may suppose. But at some point, the term keling degenerated into a racial slur and took on an offensive edge, with some people even claiming that the word now has an additional connotation – “coarse”, as in coarse in looks and character!

It did not help that uncomplimentary phrases spun around the word found their way into the Malay language. Metaphors like janji keling (empty promises or lies), lidah keling (penchant for twisting facts) and akal keling (deceptive) are enough to upset any community that is implicated.

As with any multiracial society, racial inferences are likely to crop up. So it is not surprising that local terms such as kenal-kenal Cina (implying shallow acquaintance) and Cina buta (a man whom a thrice-divorced Muslim woman must marry then divorce, before she can remarry the first husband) can be found in the Kamus Dewan.

Other unflattering terms for the Chinese include mata sepet (slit eyes) and apek (Hokkien for old man).

For some reason both communities are perceived to be a noisy lot, hence the terms keling karam and cina karam which means a person who makes unnecessary noise. Where that came from is anybody’s guess.

Chinks in the armour

Racism being universal, no group is spared.

China referring to itself as the “Middle Kingdom” since its early civilisation indicates an arrogant attitude, in that China was the centre of civilisation and all territories beyond its borders were populated by barbarians. Hence the moniker gwei (devil) for foreigners, as in hong moh kwei (Cantonese for red-haired devil, in reference to Caucasians) or hak gwei (black devil, referring to the blacks).Illustration of a man, with the caption ‘A Kling’, from The Golden Chersonese And The Way Thither (1883) by Isabella L. Bird Bishop. Golden Chersonese is the ancient name for the Malay Peninsula.

The Tamils have their own terms, such as natakaran (people of the country) for the Malays, and sadaiyan (pigtail, alluding to the Qing Dynasty hairstyle sported by men who arrived here from China in the early 20th century) for the Chinese.

Eurasians of Portuguese heritage are on the receiving end of the racial epithet grago, which refers to a small shrimp and connotes that the person alluded to is insignificant. Others think it refers to the Portuguese being small-time fishermen who are unworthy of respect.

The Sikhs have to contend with the pejorative bayee. The word originated from the Punjabi/Hindi word bhai, meaning brother, and is used by people from Northern India when greeting one another.

The Sikhs are offended when they are hailed as bhai because they do not like the tone and manner in which the word is used. But what really gets their goat is when they are commonly and erroneously referred to as Benggalis. A Benggali is one who hails from the state of Bengal in East India or Bangladesh, whereas Sikhs come from Punjab in West India or Pakistan.

In Sabah and Sarawak the various communities there seem to integrate much better than anywhere else in Malaysia; little wonder that they are not impressed by the racial relations track record of the Peninsula and disdainfully refer to the people across the South China Sea as orang Malaya (Malayans). Then again, this term could be an old reference dating back to the time before Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaya to form Malaysia in 1963.

But even in these relatively harmonious states there exist racist undertones. In Sarawak there is the very derogatory term la kia (Hokkien for barbaric child though some claim it means native) to refer to the Dayaks.

And there are groups from the Peninsula who equate Dayak as a disparaging term. But the Dayak (which means people) themselves are proud of the term. So they were furious when one of their own, Rural and Regional Development Deputy Minister Joseph Entulu Belaun recently allegedly suggested that the term be dropped due to its supposed negative connotation. Entulu later claimed he was misquoted.

Sabahans are vexed over the large number of illegal immigrants in the state and are upset that many even have ICs, but it’s the Filipino groups from Mindanao that raise their ire. Their derogatory term for them is pilak (which is the currency of the Suluk tribe of the Sulu Achipelago).

As the term has become overused, a newer one has emerged – kumpit in reference to a boat that resembles the ones that bring the illegals to the shores of Sabah.

There are also derogatory terms like dogo (Kadazan) and pakkampong (Bajau) but their meaning and origins are unclear.

And for those who think they are above racial insults, look at how the orang asli are being viewed. Have you not heard Jakun or sakai being used to disparage someone who is regarded as backward and uncivilised?

So there you are. However innocent a word may appear, as long as it is used offensively by groups and with regularity, there is no defence for its usage. So be kind with your words.

Information sourced from various websites, blogs and forums.

Source: Click HERE

Related entries: Wikipedia


Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 2:16 AM 5 comments
On every third Sunday of June, 52 of the world's countries are celebrating Father's Day. This is my 3rd year of celebrating Father's Day, I don't care what people might say but no one ever told me that there's Father's Day besides Mother's Day. Since I don't have father to celebrate, so I guess I just gonna celebrate others. LOL. I was in a grocery store today, the place was crowd with people, well since it is a grocery store, a 'trading post' so you just can't hope for the place to be, urm.. deserted. I was queuing up when I saw a card posted to the wall of the store. It says

"Any man can be a Father,
but it takes a special person
to be called Dad."

This picture is taken from one of my contact at FLICKR by -p-dub

I have nothing much to say about Father's Day this year as I did last year. So, I just hope that everyone out there should appreciate their dads and feel the love in daddy's hand~

Essay topic: Is it true that one who is good at English grammar can write well in English?
(Topic: Acquisition of good writing skills requires more than Mastery of English Grammar)

In the English language teaching writing is called a productive skill because it is concerned with the production of the language. The teaching and learning of this specific skill has provoked much discussion about the question of how to write well in English. Some people may think that a good knowledge of English grammar is sufficient to enable them to achieve a high level of competence in written English. However, this is a somewhat simplistic view. As will be analyzed below, the acquisition of good writing skills requires not just a good command of the grammatical system of English but a wide lexical knowledge, a thorough understanding of the topic given and a repertoire of organizational skills.

Apart from a good knowledge of English grammar, one needs to demonstrate a broad lexical knowledge in a good piece of writing. There is an element of truth in the fact that grammar rules help to generate sentences. However, if the writer has no real understanding of the lexis of the English language and just applies the grammatical rules mechanically, he will run the risk of producing grammatically correct but semantically inappropriate or anomalous sentences. To use the English language with clarity and precision, he needs to know what words mean literally and figuratively, what words can collocate and how words, though synonymous, are different form each other in subtle ways. Therefore, the writer’s ability to manipulate structures and his word choice are both needed for the appropriate use of language. For example, while one can write ‘Sorry, I can’t make it’ in response to a friend’s invitation he must formulate his refusal to a business partner more formally ‘I apologize I will not be able to be there.’ In other words, structural accuracy is just as important as vocabulary selection in effective writing.

Next, one needs to rely on one’s general and/or specialist knowledge to develop the topic given in depth to produce an original piece of writing. If one’s mastery of English grammar can partly help shape the form of a piece of writing, it is the ideas presented that decide the content. A good writer does not write merely to reach the word limit (within the time limit); he must write to achieve his purpose, whether to narrate a story, to describe someone or something, to discuss a topic, to inform or to persuade the reader. The best way for him to do this is to ensure that the content of his paper is excellent. He is therefore expected to exploit whatever kind of knowledge he has acquired, be it his general knowledge, his knowledge of current affairs or his specialist knowledge to come up with brilliant ideas that can attract and maintain readers’ attention. As the writer is not in direct contact with readers and cannot therefore get direct feedback from them, he cannot afford to be vague. He has to elaborate his ideas or explanations to get his message across, leaving no scope for misunderstanding or interpretation of any type. This makes an enormous demand on the writer indeed. So in his treatment of the subject assigned, the writer has to draw on the above mentioned areas of his knowledge, which are by nature different from his knowledge of English grammar, to search for worthwhile ideas and arguments.

In addition, one needs to know a number of generally called organizational skills which are essential for the production of a fine piece of writing. Viewed as a process, writing involves the following major skills. The skill of much use during the first stage is that of planning. Before starting off, the writer has to envisage how he would like to go about his writing assignment. He has to take into consideration all the resources he has at his disposal (such as time, vocabulary, language, structures, his understanding of the topic) to make a detailed plan as to how to turn out the end product: a letter, a story, s description, a report, an essay, a term paper, etc. Next comes the skill of much importance here, the skill of paragraphing. After a brainstorming session in the planning stage, the writer may have hit on many ideas and now it is time for him to select and organize those that are really relevant to the topic under discussion. The organization of ideas requires a clear understanding of the discourse structure of the target language, which is English in this case. Here the non-native writer is expected to go beyond the realm of grammar to explore the realm of discourse. For example, he needs to acquaint himself with a variety of genres or styles produced by native writers so that he knows what is expected of him when he writes in English. Besides, the skill of structuring discourse is often coupled with the skill of using liking devices. It is because ideas must not only be grouped together but also developed in logical and coherent paragraphs. Then the skills of drafting, editing and proofreading come into play. The writer has to work on his draft to revise his ideas and check for spelling and punctuation. Only when all the necessary changes have been made can the writer be sure that his end product is ready for ‘publication’.

In general, writing is not an easy skill to get native speakers of English. As can be seen above, the mastery of the skill demands different areas of knowledge such as vocabulary, world knowledge and specialist knowledge and organizational skills in addition to that of grammar. Thus a wide knowledge of English grammar is a necessary condition, not the only necessary and sufficient condition for the acquisition of the writing skill. A high level of written English can only be achieved when one puts huge efforts in building up his knowledge of the areas mentioned above.

Source: Click HERE

Music, Haram or Halal?

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 12:17 AM 0 comments
In the name of God, the most Gracious and most Merciful,
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger,

"...The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to gain the Muslim scholars' agreement, while others failed. All scholars have unanimous view on the prohibition of all forms of singing and music that incites debauchery, indecency, or sin..."

"...In the subject of musical instruments, scholars disagree on the matter. Some of them permit all sorts of singing, be it accompanied with musical instruments or not, and even consider it recommended. A second group of scholars permit singing only when is not accompanied with a musical instrument. A third group declare it to be prohibited whether it be accompanied with a musical instrument or not; they even consider it as a major sin. In supporting their view, they cite the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari on the authority of Abu Malik or Abu `Amir Al-Ash`ari (doubt from the sub-narrator) that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, 'From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk (clothes), the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful.' Although this hadith is in Sahih Al-Bukhari, its chain of transmission is not connected to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and this invalidates its authenticity. Ibn Hazm rejects it for that very reason. Moreover, the sub-narrator, Hisham Ibn `Ammar is declared ‘weak' by many scholars of the Science of Hadith Methodology.
Besides, this hadith does not clearly prohibit the use of musical instruments, for the phrase 'consider as lawful,' according to Ibn Al-`Arabi, has two distinct meanings:

: Such people think all these (the things mentioned) are lawful.

Second : They exceed the proper limits that should be observed in using these instruments. If the first meaning is intended, such people would be thus disbelievers..."

In fact, the hadith in hand dispraises the manners of a group of people who indulge themselves in luxuries, drinking alcohol and listening to music. Therefore, Ibn Majah narrates this hadith from Abu Malik Al-Ash`ari in the following wording:
"From among my followers there will be some people who will drink wine, giving it other names while they listen to musical instruments and the singing of female singers; Allah the Almighty will make the earth swallow them and will turn them into monkeys and pigs.” (Reported by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih )

In the light of the above, it is clear that the religious texts that stand as a basis for those who maintain that singing is haram are either ambiguous or inauthentic. None of the hadiths attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is valid as evidence on the judgment of prohibition. Moreover, all these hadiths are declared ‘weak' by the followers of Ibn Hazm, Malik, Ibn Hanbal, and Ash-Shafi`i.

In his book, Al-Ahkam , Al-Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-`Arabi says, “None of the hadiths maintaining that singing is prohibited are considered authentic (by the scholars of the Science of Hadith Methodology).” The same view is maintained by Al-Ghazali and Ibn An-Nahwi in Al-`Umdah . Ibn Tahir says, “Not even a single letter from all these Hadiths was proved to be authentic.”

Ibn Hazm says, “All the hadiths narrated in this respect were invented and falsified.”

The Link Between Islam and Hip Hop~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 12:09 AM 0 comments
The Link Between Islam and Hip Hop

By Shaykh Michael Mumisa
PhD Candidate & Special Livingstone Scholar, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge.

For most people whose image and perception of Islam and Muslims is shaped by the media the terms “Arts and Islam” conjures up images of the Taliban in Afghanistan destroying precious works of art and locking up artists and other cultural agents.

And again for many people, including Muslims, the term Hip Hop is often associated with a materialist lifestyle and the ‘soft porn’ graphic music videos so common these days on a number of music channels.

Thus, the suggestion of any link between Islam and Hip Hop is bound to generate some confusion if not outright rejection and yet academics and writers in the US (Ted Swedenburg, Anaya McMurray, Suad Abdul Khabeer, and others), and me here in the UK have been writing about and exploring the “Islamic roots” of hip hop.

Islam has always been referred to as “the official religion of Hip Hop.” A large number of some of the best known Hip Hop artists today such as Everlast, Ghostface Killah, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, The Roots, Jurassic 5, Freeway, to mention just a few, are practising Muslims.

There has also been a rapid increase in the number of converts to Islam among young underground Hip Hop and Rap artists on the UK scene. There is no doubt that positive grassroots projects by artists and groups such as Mecca2Medina, Poetic Pilgrimage, Masikah, Mohammed Yahya, and others are contributing factors to the growing interest in Islam among UK’s young Hip Hop generation.

Unlike in the UK where Islam is still viewed by many as an “immigrant religion”, Islam is the US has always been considered “indigenous” to the religious and cultural landscape of America. There is an agreement among historians that most of the African slaves who were brought to the US and the Caribbean Islands were Muslims. According to Professor Thomas Tweed of the University of North Carolina, “American Muslim history is longer than most might think, extending back to the day that the first slave ship landed on Virginia’s coast in 1619.”

Thus, Islam has always been an integral part of African-American history and cultural expression (from Jazz to Hip-Hop). African-Americans continue to constitute a majority of the Muslim population in the US. It is not surprising that even those artists who may not appear to have any direct association with Islam employ Islamic terms or themes in their songs. For example, Foxy Brown’s Hot Spot (“MC’s wanna eat me but it’s Ramadan…”), 50 Cent’s Ghetto Quran, Jill Scott’s A Long Walk (“maybe we can talk about Surah 31:18”), to mention just these few.

Spoken word artists and poets (and today’s Rap artists) have always been important cultural agents in the history of Islam from the pre-Islamic to the classical and medieval periods. The poet functioned as the official ‘historian’ of the tribe (in the case of pre-Islamic society) or of the Muslim empire (in the case of the ‘Umayyad, ‘Abassid, and other Muslim societies).

According to the famous Afro-Arab scholar of the ‘Abbasid period al-Jahiz (776-869 CE), “every nation strives to preserve its history, culture, and stories in a number of ways. The Arabs of pre-Islamic society would employ poetry in an attempt to preserve their heritage [...]” (see his al-Hayawan, p.71-72). Another scholar Al-Marzuqi explains the status of poetry and poets in his commentary to one of the most famous works of classical Arabic poetry the Hamasa of Abu Tammam: “Such was the high status enjoyed by the poets in the pre-Islamic and Islamic eras including the early as well as final days of the two Islamic empires. God the almighty allowed it [poetry] to play the same role for Arabs that books played in other nations. It is the repository of their culture and the reservoir for their genealogies (see Sharh diwan al-hamasa, vol.1, p.3).”

Indeed it is not an exaggeration to say that Islamic theology and other related Islamic disciplines were shaped and directly influenced by poets and poetry.

The collection and compilation of poetry in Islam pre-dates some of the collections of hadith (the statements by and about the Prophet). In fact, almost all of the classical writers on the exegeses of the Qur’an made use of pre-Islamic and early Islamic poetry.

Today Hip Hop poets such as Amir Sulaiman, Muneera and Sakina of Poetic Pilgrimage, Warsan Shire, Mohammed Yahya, and others have been reviving the traditional role of poetry and poets in Islam. For many of the young British Muslims involved in hip-hop, the practice of sampling in the music can be seen as a metaphor for how to deal with the challenges they face with their own multiple identities, and how they can reconstruct a unique identity by sampling the various available cultures.

The use of Islamic themes in such sampled music from other, non-Islamic sources also suggests how Islam can and should co-exist with other cultures in a pluralist society.

Source: click here


Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 12:01 AM 9 comments
This is another great song, this is an arrangement from Beethoven Pathetique no.8 Sonanta - 3rd movement. I'd say it's brilliant and mesmerizing. FYI Beethoven didn't compose this song, but hey bravo! to the componist~

Tittle: Banya - Beethoven Virus.mp3
mp3 Download |mirror 1

What Happens When the Numbers Run Out?

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 8:38 PM 0 comments
If you love the Academy Award® Winner Nicolas Cage, you'd probably like this movie
(My Rating 4/5)
It's a bit of disturbing actually but it pack with action, I love what they done with the trailer but I would really rate 5 if they do a lil bit of improvement to the script~


In 1958, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one mysterious girl fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead.

Fifty years later, a new generation of students examines the capsule's contents and the girl's cryptic message ends up in the hands of young Caleb Koestler. But it is Caleb's father, professor John Koestler (Nicolas Cage), who makes the startling discovery that the encoded message predicts with pinpoint accuracy the dates, death tolls and coordinates of every major disaster of the past 50 years. As John further unravels the document's chilling secrets, he realizes the document foretells three additional events--the last of which hints at destruction on a global scale and seems to somehow involve John and his son. When John's attempts to alert the authorities fall on deaf ears, he takes it upon himself to try to prevent more destruction from taking place.

With the reluctant help of Diana Wayland (Rose Byrne) and Abby Wayland, the daughter and granddaughter of the now-deceased author of the prophecies, John's increasingly desperate efforts take him on a heart-pounding race against time until he finds himself facing the ultimate disaster--and the ultimate sacrifice.

Nicolas Cage, Rose Byrne, Chandler Canterbury, Ben Mendelsohn, Lara Robinson

Alex Proyas

Official Website: http://www.knowing-themovie.com
Download it at www.isohunt.com - This is not a DVDRip but it's watchable (I'd say A8/V8)
p/s the DVD/BlueRay will officially be released on July~

WARNING!! Do not read pass this due to possible spoiler~

These are few thing that caught my eyes on the story:
~Garden of Eden (Tree of Life)
~Angels of light with wings descend to heaven
~the story of Caleb's exodus from Egypt
~a gospel song "This Little Light of Mine,"
And gosh~ The apocalypse~

My place for prostration~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 10:18 PM 2 comments
Over these years, I think this is the only place where I can truly be honest with myself and to others as well. I probably hurt a few individuals and I'm unsure whether this is done by me purposely or~ I don't know... This is the place where I can see tears, laughter and sweet smile among the people (brothers) which makes me realize how small I really am. How much in these years I'm not being grateful and appreciate things. But I know thing for certain, this is where a part of me that missing~

The Hangover (2009)

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 1:22 AM 0 comments
"Two days before his wedding, Doug and his three friends drive to Las Vegas for a blow-out bachelor party they'll never forget. But, in fact, when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning, they can't remember a thing. For some reason, they find a tiger in the bathroom and a six-month-old baby in the closet of their suite at Caesars Palace. The one thing they can't find is Doug. With no clue as to what transpired and little time to spare, the trio must retrace their hazy steps and all their bad decisions in order to figure out where things went wrong and hopefully get Doug back to L.A. in time to walk down the aisle."

Genres: Comedy
Running Time: 1 hr. 39 min.
Release Date: June 5th, 2009 (wide)
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive language, sexual content including nudity, and some drug material.
Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution
U.S. Box Office: $44,979,319

I thought this movie is hilarious, these people just crazy. I must say it's sophomoric juvenile crude and downright hilarious! The entire movie, I was like.. dragged down to its comedy yet it keeps me guessing what this guys will do next. I've seen funny movies before, and I swear to gawd I couldn't help it but laughing from the beginning to the credits this movie by far beats most of those other funny movies I ever watch. I do mention about Zach as one of my favourite comedian in my previous entry, yet he catches most of the scenes. Once, I've watch the trailer, and I thought this movies is just about a guy who almost blew up his wedding and it's like they are clueless about the things that happened in their suite after the bachelor party. You know tiger, baby~ However, the baby scene bother me a bit~ If you're watching this, you know what I mean.

Try to visit the official website at http://hangovermovie.warnerbros.com
Or you could try downloaded it from here it's not a very good quality since it's not a dvdrip but it's still watchable~

Kungfu Fighting~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 3:10 PM 0 comments
There's this thing about being someone, someone that we might be proud of or someone we ever wish we were~
And there's this thing about being someone big~ Maybe it's pride or maybe it's just about being tough and seeking for help is not one of the thing you would ask from others unless absolutely necessary. I do admit that I have a lot of things going on my mind~ There's the father thing, family thing, and some other thing that I shouldn't mention it here. I have.. Too many things. I am no one big, but I admit that I never ask for help, not from anybody 'cause I think I'm tougher than that. I think human supposedly be born tougher, a fighter, that way everyone.. we can just face the world head on. No matter what challenge you must be facing. Least, that's what they want you to think. Deep down, everyone wants to believe they have what it takes to survive from any trouble, being someone tough. But, being someone tough it's not just being perfectly be resist things. Somebody told me this:
"It's all about acceptance. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to not be acting tough or all for once. You don't have to be tough every minute of every day. It's okay to let down your guard. In fact, there are moments when it's the best thing you could possibly do".

Of My Interest~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 1:06 AM 0 comments

Since my real holiday just started out, as the result of my past exam were just announced I get a grab of my self though. LOL~
So it's come back to me, my passion toward music. If you talk to me things about music, I trully will put interest on it, I might not know a lot about music but I could do the sharing a little bit. Those scanned picture above is "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" music by Jerome Kern~
And I found this while browsing through Jon Schmidt pages~

The mp3 version is not yet available though as well as the corresponding piano and cello sheet music. I really do looking forward to it~

Yet another one of my interest~

If you are one of my real life friends you would know about this~ -_-"

I just wanna share some moments here~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 11:41 PM 3 comments
Well, so you know this is entirely not my work~

by Mikko Kaaresmaa

by Ryan Brenizer

by Adele Pardy

p/s I wish for Happy Anniversary for all those married couple out there~ And I dedicated this moment to someone I already knew~


Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 11:35 PM 0 comments
I just recently joined the flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing. So, if anyone interested on joining or pretty much had joined the flickr, do add me as contact.