Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog. I hope to interest you enough to browse through and follow whatever content that I published here. This is where I am going to share my perceptions on Lifes, People, Nature etc through my lense. Watch this space to see what happens along the way. Please feel free to leave a comment at any time.


Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 8:34 PM 2 comments

"We all get at least one good wish a year. Over the candles on our birthday. Some of us throw in more.. on eyelashes.. fountains.. lucky starts. And every now and then... One of those wishes comes true. So what then, is it as good as we hoped? Do we bask in the warm glow of our happiness? Or.. do we just notice we've got a long list of other wishes waiting to be wished? we dont wish for the easy stuff, we wish for big things. Things that are ambitious - out of reach. We wish because we need help and we're scared. And we know we maybe asking too much. Well, make a wish. What if I don't have anything to wish for? What if I have everything I could ever want? We still wish, though... Then wish that nothing changes. Because... sometimes, they come true."

Exam & DotA~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 2:24 PM 0 comments
1st off~ I've been sitting for my final semester exam for 3 weeks now~ And I have 2 more paper left before I end my 2nd year of study as Civil Engineering student at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). I do my study all the free time I have while killing my time efficiently with DotA - Defence of the Ancient. It's a custom map of Warcraft III, and I think it's the best custom map ever made. Then I picked up this thoughts on the other day and I think I should be keeping it for my sake~ LOL

My top 5 reasons why you shouldn't play or should stop playing Dota
1. You get addicted The joy of building a great hero and killing many heroes and monsters in the game are TOO HARD to resist even to a commoner like me. You will get addicted to the thrill and excitement when you play Dota. You see, this is how online gamers get addicted. They never get satisfied, they always focus on building the best hero and being the best Dota player. When they fail, they will spend more time playing Dota. Last I check, there's around 90 heroes to choose from. Go figure.

2. You go to sleep with a Dota playing scenarioImagine having to go to bed thinking that you're still playing Dota in your mind. You begin to hallucinate according to me. LOL. When you close your eyes, Dota immediately comes into your mind. Worst, Dota becomes the only thing that is constantly in your mind. Now, what about we all been talking about NOTICING the small things in life.. Doesn't it matter?

3. You begin to start hearing voices" First blood, Killing spree, Dominating, Double kill, Mega kill, Unstoppable, Wicked sick, Triple kill, Monster kill, God-like, Beyond God-like, Holyshit!" sound utterly familiar all the time. Those sounds you get when you kill heroes. They start to play on your mind the whole time. Each time you accomplish something, you begin to shout, "DOMINATING!" or when you just won an argument with you friends, you begin to say "KILLING SPREE!"
Not only you sound like a total idiotic ass, you also display a psychotic symptom. The OBVIOUS symptoms you have accepted this voice as one of you is when you start choosing them as your ringtone. Come on..... Who actually chooses, "mmmmmmm MONSTER KILL!" as their ringtone?!

4. You get to hurl bad words or being hurled a lot during playing DotaNow tell me, how many of you get scolded "noob(clueless player)" countless of time by the so-called sensational players who keep pawning/owning (killing players) you. How many times that you actually want to take the keyboard and start assaulting those so-called sensational players. Instead of encouraging you, you are being treated like a noob. Not long, they will start to tell you

"eh, go home and play with dolls la. U think Dota for noobs like you meh? "

" wei bro, u so noob. I'm gonna so pawn you.. muahahahhaa"
The good thing is, if you're the "so-called sensational" player, you get to degrade other players for your own amusement la. Bad for karma man.

5. You develop an odd love-bond between your computer and youYou start having a weird ritual to perform before you start playing a game of Dota. It's said to help you to pawn or dominate the game. Some people might start kissing their mouse or keyboard few times or telling the mouse and keyboard

"Daddy gonna play Dota now, you guys be good girls/boys and make daddy happy okay? "
Another display of psychotic symptom. You start to neglect your family and studies. The reasons? You need to spend more time nurturing the new found LOVE-BONDS with the computer. Not only that, you begin to buy accessories for them(this is getting weird). Lastly, sometimes, you even sleep with them(mouse and keyboard) insisting that they have trouble and afraid of sleeping alone.

Gosh, with these 5 reasons... please kindly uninstall it from your computer. hahahahhaa. Thanks. You just save the humanity. LOL