Study (2nd say - 080708)~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 6:12 AM
Now that we just start a new sem, gonna be all buzy all the way.. Haha.. Just look at the time table!! See, It's gonna be so much 'fun' today.. lecture from 8.00 to 4.00 and 1hour tutorial at 5.00. Free on friday, I'm pretty sure of it.. There were usually no lab on 1st and 2nd week..

Oh.. I almost forgot to mention this.. Did I mention that I got a room with wireless?? Well, I did.. Hahhaa.. The room's ROCK!!! I'm so into this room.. So, I get to online every morning (if I'm not buzy with my study..). Unfortunate for me that I don't get my study table yet.. I hope they're going to give me my table today.

p/s I'm gonna get ready 1st, tidy up and ready for my lecture at 8.00 - Don't wanna be late; which I'm a bit (is that a bit???) late yesterday.. Haha..

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