Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog. I hope to interest you enough to browse through and follow whatever content that I published here. This is where I am going to share my perceptions on Lifes, People, Nature etc through my lense. Watch this space to see what happens along the way. Please feel free to leave a comment at any time.

6:36 a.m

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 6:23 AM 1 comments
What would you be expecting once you woke up as early as 6:36 knowing that the sun yet to be risen?
Waking someone else to accompany you would probably the best we could hope for at this early hours of day. Well~ you know.. some people would probably still be enjoying drolling to their pillow. Yeah, especially at the weekend - no class, no work just assignment which you'd probably be finishing it at the very last extend of the submitting date. It's been a busy week for me since I have to sit for the student's greatest nightmare - the EXAMINATION. Kinda use to it anyway, you start the new semester and there's the examination - waiting at the end of semester. Aite, time to woke up from your 'honey moon'. I don't seem to remember when was the last time I spending my time on my table writing down something or pressing the button of my calculator. Well, the first paper will be started on 23rd of this month~ I seem to forgot whether it is April or May. Erm~ Yup it's definitely is April.
Well, what is it in the morning actually?? All I can do is sitting here and remember things~ and of coz I don't have anything to do beside lay in the bed and go back to sleep, then my waking up early would be meaningless. What the reason of woke up from your bed?? Then thousand of questions rise in my mind.
Bha~ The examination is around the corner and here I am, thing over nothing. At least at this very hour, I could spend my time to write up something in my blog. Yeah~ This is exactly what am doin' right friggin' now...
I seem to recall the last time I had this relationship with someone, I don't think if it is something or it's just me who don't seem to appreciate the relationship much. But I am the one left behind~ I just don't understand why would people take the word 'relationship' so easily, like trashing some old thing to the disposal. If you ask me why they left~ I highly doubt I would have answer for that. I value every relationships, regardless to the distance - time or expanse. Why wouldn't anyone hoping for the imperfectness anymore. Is there no one that isn't perfect anymore??

p/s at least I'm here killing the time as efficient as it could be wasted~

Wanita Yang aku Idamkan~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 10:52 PM 3 comments
It's been a while since I last do the post in my blog~
Since the line I'm using at UTM not so stable, I get to DC most of the time while doing the posting.
I have thousand of words to share with everyone, thousand of thought I would like to rephrase here. Then, I do a lil of my homework - read some blog, see how they manage to steal some of the tired days for the sake of writing a page of post in a day.
I came across with this thought "wanita yang aku idamkan"

Kehormatanku adalah Hijabku,
Tanggungjawabku adalah Suamiku,
Amanahku adalah Zuriatku,
Sinarku adalah Rasulku,
Cintaku adalah Tuhan yang Satu...

-Mohamad Ramdan Suliman-

A friend of mine wrote this in his blog

"I kept wondering all these time, why is it that some good looking girls think that every man who passes them by, or who asks them out, or who asks them about their past relationship wants a piece of them. It bewilders me a lot."

I would go through for that. I'm not asking someone to go out with me because they beautiful. I'm only asking them out because I think the only way to get to know someone is by asking her out. I won't denied the fact that I would invite a beautiful girl to go out with me. Why bother hiding the intention while you have the time to do that. Who care if she refuse it, at least something was done and get the hell out of never trying. And I admit that the appearances make the first impression of a girl. The other reason why would I invite a girl to go out with me is that its one of the baseless brain of mine. So, I get to appreciate the moment I'm gonna spend out with the person. LoL~ Being honest to one another in a first me is hard to do, especially when you trying to hide every bad thing that happened to you.

I don't want to dwell so much into the meet or of this thingy little thing about the girl here, but I can assure that every man has their reason for asking someone out.