Left Behind~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 2:33 PM
Do you know how it's gonna feels like to be left behind by someone close to you.. Or have you ever being left. The moment you never be able to see one truly fond to you.. ever again. Have you ever thought what you gonna do without him/her to watch after you or for you to watch over. It doesn't matter who he/she is - it could be your parents, your boy/girlfriend, friends, siblings, uncle/aunt, granparents or anyone you were close to. Close enough to let them left you behind. There comes a moment when you feel all down, the sun seems lost, like the world gonna die, and you decided to just follow the memories of your light. #405 Left Behind.. Just expressing my view of being left behind..

For even the strongest of us, it seems to play tricks. Slowing down, hovering … Until it freezes … leaving us stuck in a moment unable to move in one direction or the other.

.. and you either take that step forward or stay down all your life. Some people will say the same thing I said here, OVER and OVER AGAIN - "life wasn't supposed to be like that. We have to move on." But, it's easier said than done. Some of use, we didn't cry - it's not like you feel nothing for 'em, that you not fond enough to get so down for their gone - you probably not gonna let anyone see you crying and some of use might not be able to buffer up the tears out burst.. Damn, It's hard enough to watch someone die before your eyes not to mention to see their dead body - it'll not gonna move ever again. If you feel like crying.. let it burst out of you.. if you feel like screaming, scream out or you never know what you really feel. It's not like you keep everyone so close to you that they'll not gone - they might someday.

p/s Trust me time would heals all wounds. All any of us wants is more time. When the time is right. It is time for you to stand up. It's time for you to grow up. Time for you to let go.

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