Miss Russia elected Miss World 2008~

Posted by lORiNCE LH SYAh On 10:09 PM
Miss Russia, Kseniya Sukhinova, was crowned as Miss World 2008 on the 13th of December in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Miss India, Parvathy Omanakuttan, was crowned as 1st Princess with Miss Trinidad & Tobago, Gabrielle Walcott, crowned as 2nd Princess.The spectacular event, broadcast live from the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, to a global audience brings to a close the month-long hosting by the City of Johannesburg, The Johannesburg Tourism Company and all its partners of the 109 Miss World contestants.

Our congratulations to Miss World 2008 and her princesses. To Kseniya Sukhinova we extend our hearty congratulations on her achievement to be crowned as Miss World 2008. She deserves the crown and the accolades. We wish her a very successful reign as the most beautiful girl in the world. We also congratulate Miss India and Miss Trinidad and Tobago as deserving of their titles; their selection as the two princesses met with popular approval when announced at the spectacular event in Sandton.

We also thank all the contestants for brining so much charm, warmth and joy to our City during their stay. We enjoyed having them here and we hope that they have enjoyed our City of Johannesburg and its friendly people.
As they return to their countries and families, we take this opportunity in wishing them a very merry Christmas and Festive Season and a blessed New Year 2009.

Issued by The Johannesburg Tourism Company'
13 December 2008

4 Response to 'Miss Russia elected Miss World 2008~'

  1. ika Said,
    http://emdlense.blogspot.com/2008/12/miss-russia-elected-miss-world-2008.html?showComment=1231779714306#c1944193666009681078'> January 13, 2009 at 1:01 AM

    mcm x plu je promote psl miss world ni..hehehe


  2. awiscool2007 Said,
    http://emdlense.blogspot.com/2008/12/miss-russia-elected-miss-world-2008.html?showComment=1234772332879#c7810860087909370414'> February 16, 2009 at 4:18 PM

    not so beautiful... not interested also.. ahaks..

    btw.. nice blog dear..



  3. darlingdie Said,
    http://emdlense.blogspot.com/2008/12/miss-russia-elected-miss-world-2008.html?showComment=1234952297522#c8076626080110533343'> February 18, 2009 at 6:18 PM

    she is beautiful... for me... hehehe... thnaks for ur comments!!!


  4. http://emdlense.blogspot.com/2008/12/miss-russia-elected-miss-world-2008.html?showComment=1234968725445#c8229637805009820396'> February 18, 2009 at 10:52 PM

    awiscool2007: Thanks

    darlingdie: Your're welcome and yeah, for me she is beautiful..